Beyond Tech: Nurturing Emotional Skills for Workplace Success

3 min readJun 16, 2024
Photo by Alex Kotliarskyi on Unsplash

In today’s fast-paced world, there is no denying the importance of technology skills, especially in a tech-driven country like India. However, in the race to arm young individuals with technical expertise, the vital aspects of workplace readiness, emotional intelligence, leadership skills, and fostering a positive work environment are often neglected. This oversight begs the question — why aren’t these fundamental elements receiving the recognition they truly deserve?

Statistics reveal that possessing technical skills alone is not sufficient for a successful and satisfying career. According to a study conducted by LinkedIn, 57% of senior leaders believe that soft skills are more important than hard skills. This highlights the significance of emotional intelligence, communication, adaptability, and problem-solving abilities in the workplace. Furthermore, in Gallup’s 2024 State of the Global Workplace report, 34% of survey respondents globally say they are “thriving” while 58% say they are “struggling.” Some 8% of those surveyed globally admit they are “suffering” at work. Employee engagement reflects the involvement and enthusiasm of employees in their work and workplace. Gallup has found that engaged business teams drive positive outcomes within organizations. Gallup estimates that low engagement costs the global economy US$8.9 trillion, or 9% of global GDP.


The need for workplace readiness and emotional skills is evident in the challenges faced by employees. A report by the World Economic Forum identified emotional intelligence as one of the top 10 skills required for the workforce of the future. This is because employees need to navigate complex work environments, collaborate effectively with colleagues, and manage their emotions in high-pressure situations.

Workplace culture also plays a pivotal role in shaping employee satisfaction and productivity. A survey by Deloitte revealed that 94% of executives and 88% of employees believe a distinct workplace culture is crucial to business success. However, the focus on technology skills often overshadows the importance of fostering a positive and inclusive workplace culture.

It is clear that while technical skills are essential, they are not the sole determinants of job success and satisfaction.

Employers are increasingly seeking candidates who possess a blend of technical expertise and emotional intelligence, along with an understanding of workplace dynamics. Therefore, educators, mentors, career counselors, and employers must shift their focus towards equipping youngsters with not just technical skills, but also the emotional and cultural readiness required to thrive in the modern workplace. By addressing this need in the market, we can ensure that the next generation of professionals is well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

In today’s competitive job market, having a college degree and strong technical abilities is crucial. But what sets candidates apart is their emotional intelligence and leadership skills, which are highly sought after by employers, especially when hiring recent graduates.


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